Nasal spray adult patient actor portrayal holding a sandwichNasal spray adult patient actor portrayal holding a sandwich
Actor portrayal.

How to Use SPRAVATO® Nasal Spray

Instructions for Use

You will administer SPRAVATO® nasal spray yourself under the supervision of a healthcare provider at a certified SPRAVATO® treatment center. Your healthcare provider will show you how to use the SPRAVATO® nasal spray device.

Watch this video on how to use SPRAVATO® nasal spray

Watch the video to learn more about using the nasal spray.

SPRAVATO® Dosing for Treatment-Resistant Depression

After you and your healthcare provider have decided SPRAVATO® is right for you —and you understand the benefits and risks — you can start planning for treatment.

SPRAVATO® frequency and dosing strength during induction and optimization/maintenance based on clinical judgment
SPRAVATO® frequency and dosing strength during induction and optimization/maintenance based on clinical judgment
  • SPRAVATO® is taken with an oral antidepressant
  • You administer SPRAVATO® nasal spray yourself under the supervision of a healthcare provider at a certified SPRAVATO® treatment center
  • SPRAVATO® is taken twice a week for the first four weeks
  • After the first four weeks, you and your doctor will discuss and determine if treatment should be continued and the dose and how often you’ll receive SPRAVATO®
Person on top of a hand icon

If two or more antidepressants haven’t worked for you, you may have treatment-resistant depression (TRD). It’s time to talk to your doctor about a different treatment approach.

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